Sunday, September 22, 2019

Teori Good Governance Menurut Para Ahli

  • Reinventing Governance, Banishing Governance & E Government Konsep Menurut Para Ahli

    3 konsep tersebut dipaparkan menurut ketentuan para ahli, video ini dibuat guna memenuhi tugas mata kuliah Good Governance dengan dosen pengajar ...
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  • Good Governance

    Konsep Reinventing Governance & Banishing Governance dan Konsep E-Goverment.
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  • Varian Good Governance dan Penerapannya di Indonesia

    Reinventing Governance, Banishing Governance & E Governance.
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  • Apa Itu Kapitalisme? | Dijelaskan Dalam 5 Menit

    Kapitalisme merupakan sistem ekonomi yang mengandung prinsip pasar bebas, kepemilikkan pribadi terhadap benda, properti, dan modal, dan prinsip ...
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    Karl Marx remains deeply important today not as the man who told us what to replace capitalism with, but as someone who brilliantly pointed out certain of its ...
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  • China's trillion dollar plan to dominate global trade

    It\'s about more than just economics. Help us make more ambitious videos by joining the Vox Video Lab. It gets you exclusive perks, like livestream Q&As with all ...
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  • Inside the mind of a master procrastinator | Tim Urban

    Tim Urban knows that procrastination doesn\'t make sense, but he\'s never been able to shake his habit of waiting until the last minute to get things done. In this ...
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  • Bush School Talks: Dr. William Brown

    On Monday, November 10, 2014, Dr. William Brown, Associate Professor and Director of the Certificate in Nonprofit Management at the Bush School, gave a talk ...
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  • POLITICAL THEORY - Thomas Hobbes

    Thomas Hobbes believed that it is always better to have security rather than liberty in a country. He was therefore deeply opposed to the English Civil War ? and ...
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  • Eric X. Li: A tale of two political systems

    It\'s a standard assumption in the West: As a society progresses, it eventually becomes a capitalist, multi-party democracy. Right? Eric X. Li, a Chinese investor ...
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  • E.O. Wilson: Advice to young scientists The world needs you, badly, begins celebrated biologist E.O. Wilson in his letter to a young scientist. Previewing his upcoming book, ...
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  • Good Governance

    Reinventing Governance, Banishing Governance, dan E-Government.
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  • David Harvey's Anti-Capitalist Chronicles: The Value of Everything

    Help us reach 100000 subscribers and gain access to more studio time! Please hit the red SUBSCRIBE button above. ^^^ Thank you for supporting David ...
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    Luangkan waktu anda untuk belajar memahami sebuah konsep.
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  • How to Enrich a Country: Free Trade or Protectionism?

    What is the best way to make a country rich? Should you adopt a policy of free trade? Or is protectionism and economic nationalism the better way? We explore ...
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  • How might we protect the wages of the weak? Talk by Professor William Brown

    Professor William Brown, Montague Burton Professor of Industrial Relations at the University of Cambridge, delivers a public lecture at Madingley Hall on 20 ...
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